Philosophy, Reality, and the Rules of Humanity


I recently been using my free time to watch YouTube videos and stumbled upon Stephan Molyneux.  An Irish born transplant to Canada, educated in the field of history, he then professionally applied his talents in the field of software engineering, and now applying his desire for expressing to others what he finds as the truth through his internet radio called FreedoMain Radio.

Listening to his true concerned diatribe over modern human action, of which I find I am in concordance of his findings.  It is one thing to broadcast one’s beliefs and observations, as many do, yet is another to actually have a true handle on those observations.  Together, beliefs and observations, being able to put into words the correct prescription for a more healthier human action; a healthier society.

His message isn’t something ordinary; in which a person will strive through his broadcasts and podcasts.  It takes a person who is REALLY in need of a handle to hang onto when striving to find truth.

Here is an example of his findings:

As of 1965, the number of Americans living below the poverty line had been declining continuously since the beginning of the decade and was only about half of what it had been fifteen years earlier.

Between 1950 and 1965, the proportion of people whose earnings put them below the poverty level, had decreased by more than 30%.  The black poverty rate had been cut nearly in half between 1940 and 1960.

In various skilled trades during the period of 1936 and 1959, the incomes of blacks relative to whites had more than doubled.

The representation of blacks in professional and other high-level occupations grew more quickly during the five years preceding the launch of the War on Poverty than during the five years thereafter.

While maneuvering through his YouTube installments, I stumbled upon one of his critics, which in general are collectivists.  Fundamentally, collectivists are those who advocate groups of humanity existing at the expense of those they find, while harboring envy, more so successful than the collectivists deem needy.  The modern liberal is akin to the collectivist advocating using the force of government to squander the wealth of hard working Americans.

A hard working American are those that find working in various trades and professional positions as being satisfactory.  These are entrepreneurials, hourly workers, managers, supervisors, business owners.  Only to name a few.  Collectivists, on the other hand, are those that are found in welfare lines, college rioters demanding to have their debt eradicated.  Collectivists will first call a wrong a right, a bad thing a good thing.  A collectivist will demonize hard working Americans as evil.  Then muster the power of government to tax the wealth of those and freely give themselves first, and then to others they deem needy.

In summation, and plainly put, Stefan communicates that each individual human is a self-sustaining entity in a cauldron stew of humanity.  Given this hypothesis, a collectivist majority of opinion does not have the authority to subjugate the individual through monopolizing the force of government; but do anyway just because they want it.

Just because collectivist societies did just that throughout history doesn’t give credence to that practice.  Doing the same good intentions over and over will not change the outcome of those missdirected intentions.  Stefan is just a mouth piece for the theory that an individual is paramount to the general practice of collectivizing humanity.  Given this, it is no wonder why there have been so many, many examples of what happens when collectivists envelope the power of government to subjugate humanity; with all the historical plethora associated from Stalin to Hugo Chavez to Kim il Jong.

Published by: originaltruthseer

I desire individuals to understand truth, which is out there, not as one wishes, but as truth is to be observed (as gravity is observed; and respected). Truth is opaque and real. Oftentimes truth is misunderstood and lies are instead integrated, but when lies are unwrapped the distinction between truth and lies are easily perceived.

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